Applies the vector layer extent to the output raster if checked. For example, it takes me 10mn to convert a 900Mo ECW to a 10GB tif. If you have a file in ECW format not containing the whole georeferencing information (datum, projection and extents), it is possible to add this information without having to decompress / recompress the file with gdal_translate. In the Save Raster Layer As dialog, set the OUTPUT MODE to Rendered Image. 4)' so I think it was installed correctly (and ECW files do display, they just are not understood by GDAL). Thank you Giovanni Manghi for the link, I've followed the steps and I can now open ECW files from a path without special characters.Long story short: the latest version of this libraries (that allow to read, but not write ECWs) are free of charge but are not redistributable, this means that cannot be shipped together with software packages like QGIS.